Covering Those who Cannot Work During COVID-19 | Zubas Flett
In the onslaught of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), many employees are concerned about not being able or available to work due to health issues or family obligations. We recently wrote about the new “Infectious Disease Emergencies” leave introduced for...
The Cost of Doing Non-Essential Business in Ontario during COVID-19
Penalties of up to $10 Million for Non-Compliance On March 17, 2020, Ontario Premier Doug Ford enacted a Declaration of Emergency to Protect the Public. As the number of Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Ontario rose to 503, on March 23, 2020, Premier Ford subsequently...
Cutting Through the Crazy of COVID-19: 8 Top-of-Mind Employee Questions Answered
As the effects of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are felt, employees are now faced with new questions as to their employment and human rights. In Canada, federal and provincial governments have applied and continue to apply new or amended legislation in...
Coping with the Consequences of COVID-19: A Guide for Employers
ince the World Health Organization declared a pandemic over the spread of COVID-19 on March 11, 2020, several areas of life, including one’s workplace, have been found to be un-immune to the effects of this super-contagious virus. In Ontario, the sacred employment...