Zubas Flett Law in the News: Richel Castaneda speaks to Omni News re: the right to disconnect from work

Zubas Flett Law in the News: Richel Castaneda speaks to Omni News re: the right to disconnect from work

Today, Zubas Flett Law Lawyer, Richel Castaneda, spoke with Arvin Joaquin of OMNI News regarding the Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27) which became law on December 2, 2021. Bill 27 made legislative changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”)...
Zubas Flett Law in the News: OHSA doesn’t apply to vax status

Zubas Flett Law in The News: Poor Investigation, Hasty Termination Costs Ontario Employer $20,000

Recently, Zubas Flett Lawyer, Ted Flett, spoke with  Jeffrey Smith of Canadian HR Reporter. The opinion piece, which discussed the importance of having good policies in place and conducting a good investigation prior to terminating an employee, is below. ‘Where...